Thursday, 8 May 2014

Day Two - Cutting 4 and 5 showing potential

Day 2 was a wet one. Despite this we are making good progress. 

Cutting 4 is looking good and there definitely seems to be a wall here with collapse either side. Also the soils around this are quite charcoal-rich so we seem to have come down onto a good occupation level here.

Cutting 4 following removal of sod

Cutting 5 is producing a good range of finds from the initial clean back (after the sod was removed). Lots of clay pipe fragments (probably 17th century) are popping up as well as glazed and un-glazed pottery! Its safe to say that the item in the top left of the finds tray might be a bit more recent though…

Finds tray from clean back in Cutting 5


  1. My wife, Kristine Kingery, and I wish to express our appreciation to Fintan and his crew for showing us around the newly excavated Cutting 4 and Cutting 5 on Wednesday, 7 May. The items in the Finds Tray, especially the clay pipe pieces, were very interesting. If we did not have full time Army sustainability (Kristine) and Navy environmental planning (Michael) positions in Washington, DC, we would most definitely be pleased to apply for volunteer positions on the IAC.
    Respectfully, Michael Doherty

    1. Thank you very much Michael and Kristine. It was a pleasure to meet you both at Monea. You can keep up with what is happening at IAC on our facebook page (follow link from and when you are back in Ireland just send us a message to see if any volunteer opportunities are available. All the very best. Fintan Walsh

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