The sun is back and pieces of the
archaeological jig-saw are finally falling into place.
We are now certain that the large walls to the west of the castle are the foundations of the bawn wall and not an
extension of the main building. Also the cobbles in this area represent the yard surface in the bawn. We have also confirmed that there is no cellar at Derrywoone; a feature which would not be
uncommon in such a castle. The southern sections of the bawn wall remain
elusive but we will keep trying! Interestingly we have discovered some earlier
features under the old ground surface at the west of the castle which may be
evidence of previous occupation at the site, which, given its fantastic setting,
would not be surprising (hopefully radiocarbon dating will confirm this…)
Some other interesting finds so far this week… we found a
curious pit (see below) immediately outside of the bawn wall containing animal
bone and a dump of lime mortar at its base. This could be tantalising evidence
of the construction phase of the castle – it could be a pit used for
mixing/preparing the mortar during the construction of the bawn wall with the
animal bones perhaps the rubbish from the workman’s lunch!
Pit outside of bawn wall |
We also found the base of what looks like a small cup from
the same feature (IMG320) – Agnieszka is our hand model for the day.
We also had our fourth school visit today. We were impressed
by the children’s almost perfect trowelling line while
Stephen showed the children Timo’s ground floor plan of the castle (something
he is very proud of! – it is quite good actually).
School group try their hand at excavation |
Group get a tour of the castle by Stephen |